Syrian Girl is the only source of "Truth" to come out of Syria. Such atrocities have become commonplace and follows a familiar pattern that we have seen in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya and is destined to be repeated in Yemen and Bahrain and other Globalist bankster takeovers to raid the world of all its resources. These regions and Iran are the last remaining to have their own National Banks and Sovereign currency and NOT to have a globalist "Central Bank". They are the richest in oil and gold and the globalists want it. The corporate controlled mainstream media will continue to blame the regime for their manufactured atrocities, yet it is a well established fact that the CIA Al-Queda is entirely to blame for such atrocities. If any of us bothers to look back over our history, we will recognise a familiar CIA signature. In my 30 years of research, I have seen this pattern a 1000 times and can quote a long list of examples, as well as the CIA creation of various assets for the agenda of banker global dominance. Every CIA Director has been appointed from Wall Street and in the past I covered the establishment of a Shadow Government in the US, exposed in part during the IranContra affair in the late 1980s.
If the corporate controlled mainstream media controls the questions, we'll continue to believe their lies and deceptions.