Friday, 10 July 2015

#Indifference II

If we do not cease our indifference towards Tory radical moral decline `today', child sex abuse will be perfectly legal by 2020. It is already viewed as an unfortunate but acceptable symptom of modern society in 2015 and the British public have already forgotten how they have changed in just a few short years since 2010. When we start debating it, all we are doing is looking for excuses to rationalise and incrementally justify the diabolical, and not once does anyone stop to ask, "If this is what they have turned us into in such a short period, what kind of an abomination have we created and nurtured for the next generation to come?" However, when we are not prepared to envisage what our society will be like 50 years from now, why should we care, since we won't be around?"