Thursday, 2 October 2014

UK Mainstream Media deliberately Avoids David Cameron's pledge to Abolish The Human Rights Act


While David Cameron's henchmen, Craig Oliver and Lynton Crosby yet again bullied the mainstream media to cover Cameron's speech to the Tory Party Conference in a positive light, the media again conveniently avoided the most important and worrying of Cameron's announcements. The renowned sadist, David Cameron reaffirmed his pledge to abolish the Human Rights Act just days after he addressed the UN in New York telling them that "Conspiracy Theorists should receive the same treatment as ISIS/ISIL". Those of you who read this may apathetically disregard this article in the belief that it does not have any bearing on your own nationality. However, it is important that you recognise that David Cameron has abused his position to seize every opportunity to harass other world leaders to inflict misery upon their own people. As demonstrated throughout this blog, global austerity and the media dubbed Arab Spring originated in 2010 from David Cameron. Cameron's depraved record for manipulation raised its cruel head again at the end of his party conference, as he once again exploited the sickness and subsequent death of his own son, just as he did during his 2010 election campaign. How can we allow ourselves to forget how he followed this up by relentlessly pursuing a ruthless and vicious crusade to vilify and torture the sick, disabled and terminally ill ever since. However, if David Cameron is to be credited for anything, it is his mastery of deception since he is a former Spin Doctor who never misses an opportunity to exploit and manipulate. Lyton Crosby even had the TV camera focus on his wife, Samantha Cameron feigning tears as the Prime Minister attempted to convince us that he actually cared about the NHS. The BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 have in the past avoided other frightening announcements from Cameron that ought to shock us, such as his statement that he wants "austerity to be permanent" and his determination to enforce his hated Snoopers Charter to further erode our civil liberties and human rights. Apart from giving him greater powers to inflict more cruelty, Cameron's abolition of the Human Rights Act will also allow him to keep his promise to Conservative party donor, venture capitalist, Adrian Beecroft to abolish employment rights. Beecroft is also the owner of controversial loan sharks,, which was conveniently launched upon the moment David Cameron came to power. The heartless Cameron has already prevented charities from campaigning on behalf of his victims through the implementation of the Gagging Law which gags charities representing the sick, disabled and terminally ill. While Human Rights violations have resulted in huge demonstrations in Hong Kong and other regions such as Ukraine, foreign observers appear to be dumbfounded why such demonstrations have not occurred in the UK, threatening to destabilise the British Government. Having been approached about this while abroad, I responded by explaining the orchestrated division of a docile British public by former PR man David Cameron, aided by a willing mainstream media. Yet, despite Cameron's reputation for cruelty/heartlessness, spitefulness, vindictiveness, deceit and lies there are those who forget his record of depravity and are actually persuaded to trust him and believe him.

If there is one thing that is perhaps more frightening than the intentions of David Cameron, it is the apathy, ignorance, naivety and malleability of the British people.