That's all well and good Ed. However, you need to be prepared to give back what David Cameron stole from the people, by focusing on `compassion' and reminding people that we are a compassionate society. People don't mind paying taxes to help the vulnerable. People cannot work for two reasons, (a) There is no work (hence recession) (b) They cannot work due to poor health. They do mind when they realise that they are being deceived into scapegoating and blaming those who `Can not ' defend themselves and are increasingly having their fundamental human rights eradicated. It is not a cost of living crisis. It is a humanitarian crisis, and the most vulnerable are being sacrificed to keep the wealthy and powerful happy while the rest of us are being obliviously indoctrinated by deception so that we will longer be in a position to complain when we arrive at the sacrificial alter ourselves. You Ed, must be prepared to tear at David Cameron's throat and expose him for what he truly is, even at the risk of mentioning the `E' word (i.e. Evil). You must be prepared to expose how he has falsified and manipulated figures and analysis, threatened and bullied dissenters to prevent the truth, used every dirty `spin' tactic to exploit and manipulate, and most importantly, given Cameron's record is prepared to rig the next election. People want honesty, empathy, compassion and the freedom, dignity and preservation of the human spirit Mr Milliband. Let us not forget David Cameron's Christmas speech, in which he stated, "I want austerity to be permanent".
When the Corporate Mainstream Media Controls The Question, We Don't Ask Any", thus forfeiting our right to the Truth, endorsing what is done in our name by the New World Order. "The only burden we should carry in life is the heavy sword by which we must behead the beast of Apathy". - Glenn Gordon