Mr PR and former Spin Doctor, David Cameron is never one to miss an opportunity to exploit the misery and suffering of others for his own sick and sadistic advantage. No doubt, his strategist, Lynton Crosby jumped at the chance of another familiar publicity stunt for Mr Cameron. Didn't anyone take note of the suspicious soundbites planted throughout the mainstream media? An blatantly obvious example was aired on the BBC Evening News where an alleged victim of the floods, an upbeat young lady was asked, "Would the response to floods influenced in voting choice?" A scripted `Yes' was her reply. This young lady is an actress, hired by Mr Cameron's publicity team. She was member University of York Conservatives and has previously popped up in one of Mr Cameron's media stage managed publicity stunts to discredit his enemies, one recent example being an interview to lambast the Archbishop of Canterbury's criticisms of Government Loan Sharks, such as His Communications Director and former BBC Editor, Craig Oliver is known for routinely bullying the media to do his bidding without question, issuing his familiar threats.
David Cameron uses actors for publicity |
If the media would only stand up to Crosby, they would publish a long list of those whom #DavidCameron has so ruthlessly abandoned and betrayed, including his own friends. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to speak out against the diabolic David Cameron, since he is gagging everyone in preparation to rig the General Election, most notably, The Guardian, and as a demonstration of his twisted vindictive sadism, he has introduced a bill to gag Charities. The pressure group, 38 Degrees has been actively and tirelessly campaigning to bring this ruthless attack on Free Speech known as The Gagging Law to public attention. It is hardly Cameron's first cruel attack on Charities. Remember how he and George Osborne cruelly mocked impassioned pleas from opposition leader, Ed Milliband for mercy on Cancer patients in the House of Commons, whom they deprived of welfare payments to force them to work? They followed this up with a vicious attack on Cancer Charities for coming to the aid of worried and frightened Cancer sufferers and their families. But, that is by no means all. They then attempted to introduce a Tax on Charitable donations and only withdrew due to reactions of utter disgust from the general public. However, now such national outrage is prevented from being publicized, due to the increasing intimidation and harassment on the mainstream media.
So, in conclusion invite everyone you know to ask themselves this question, "Do you really believe that a man who throws the most vulnerable and desperate out of their homes has any sympathy for flood victims?" One final irony I ought to leave you with that is repeated throughout this blog and in my films - remember David Cameron's first international trip abroad in 2010. Pakistan was in the grip of cataclysmic floods that devastated an entire region, displacing 20,0000 people, with the long term impact of diseases. Cameron chose this time to visit Pakistan's long time enemy, India, where he appeared on Indian national and international TV stations, blasting Pakistan as a "Terrorist Nation" in front of studio audience of young Indian voters. The immediate impact was a halt on international and foreign charitable aid to the suffering Pakistani people. However, Mr Cameron wasn't done yet. The British media suddenly stopped covering the crisis in Pakistan and chose instead to focus their attention on a bunch of trapped high spirited Chilean miners, relentlessly bombarding our TV screens with the latest developments of releasing the cheerful trapped miners. Then, in a savage cruel blow, while the world had been successfully distracted from the fate of Pakistan, the only mention of the region from our compassionate and sympathetic media was on the subject of a Pakistani cricketing scandal.
Ask everyone you know again, "Do they still actually believe that David Cameron gives a damn about UK flood victims?"