Saturday, 1 December 2012

15 March 2012, The Secret Meeting and The Day that David Cameron Sold the NHS

First the Elderly and Terminally ill. Now sick babies go on death pathway: Doctor’s haunting testimony reveal show children are put on end-of-life plan

Financial TerroristsAfter Vindictively Seizing Control Of The Media and now the Press, Who Will David Cameron Sacrifice Next? When the most evil creature on earth, British PM, David Cameron fought to get his hated NHS Bill through Parliament, which would bring an end to the NHS, he vowed to destroy the NHS if he didn't get his way. Cameron has a well established record for being vindictive.

On the 15 March 2012, he diverted his trip to Washington to go to New York for a clandestine meeting in Wall Street with financial terrorists, Goldman Sachs. This visit was just a couple of days before his bill was passed. He returned to gloat triumphantly in the House of Commons. He has just sanctioned the death of the NHS, bringing his eugenics program forward.

The mainstream media failed to cover Cameron's visit to Goldman Sachs, which is why he is determind to gain total control of it, following the failure of CFR member, Rupert Murdoch's BSkyB on Cameron's behalf. Since then, the former PR man has employed a former BBC editor to replace the disgraced Andy Coulson. To gain control, Cameron habitually destroys from within, hence his concerted efforts to discredit the BBC, after planting George Entwistle in the BBC for 54 days to exploit and manipulate the Jimmy Savile sex scandal. This would explain Entwistle's huge payout, as a job well done. David Cameron's Conservative Party notoriously and traditionally despises the BBC. Now, Mr transparent is going after the press.

However, I digress. Given that Cameron has established a reputation for being so arrogantly overt, it is reasonable to assume that his "timely" visit to Goldman Sachs was to negotiate the sale of the NHS, promising huge profits by selling lives. To this aim, the NHS has to be discredited and destroyed in order to justify its sale. Killing babiies, the disabled and terminally ill has become a symptom of David Cameron's agenda for an "Apathetic Society".

Undoubtedly, some may view this article as far fetched. However, before forming such a judgement, I strongly urge you to watch my films and previous articles and posts. I have been extensively researching my subject for over 30 years, since aged 15. I would also ask that you look at the evidence to date. This is NOT a political issue. Viewing it as such only serves to distract us from Human carnage. It may be too late to realise it tomorrow.