Always be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Love is an energy, so every kind and selfless thought for someone in despair who you don't even know makes you unique. Empathy and the obliteration of Apathy is what we should all strive for as a purpose in life. Selflessness, Forgiveness, Empathy, Faith and Loving Compassion are individually a struggle to achieve for the mind, only because the mind is corruptible. It is not so for the human spirit, which is our natural state. Remembering who we truly are can be a lonely experience only because we have no wish to be like everyone else. - Glenn Gordon
Alternative Being...
Any deviation from the human capacity for forgiveness and
overwhelming love and compassion is a corruption of the soul. Love is not subject to interpretation, since by its very
nature it is selfless and does not discriminate. Our greater understanding of
all things was based upon this while we slept in our mother’s womb. To adapt to the world of the corrupted seed that we were to
be brought into, we had to change. As a result, sanctuary was provided for an `acceptable'
level of malevolence for human endorsement. Politics fulfilled this purpose, thus corrupting what is
humanly natural. Once we allow our humanity to be defined by politics we
sacrifice our very souls. One day we will return to our natural status of being with
an unfathomably traumatic remorse when we reconnect with its source, the source
of love from which a vast ripple effect expands across the universe reaching
the earth, touching only a few who remember where they came from.
To truly understand what is written here, you must be
prepared to stand outside the world among the stars and observe all that is
truly before you. You must return to that place where you once resided. That
place of regress you only remember when it reconnects in the subliminal
flashbacks of the forgotten esoteric dreams of infancy. It is the memory
cabbaged and retained from you when you took form and breathed upon the earth,
that which was innocent, now distracted and corrupted, suffered entrapment and
imprisoned. You do not know who you really are. You have forgotten from where
you came. You are subdued and bound by
the chains of apathy while anesthetised by popular culture. You are confined
among the minions who disavow themselves of you, should you deny conformity and
embrace individualism. You are great and celestial. You are not a grain of sand
among all the dust of the universe. Abandon all that you hold, for all that you
take with you is your soul, less it be corrupted and confined. For it is here
where all knowledge is held, beyond the contemplation and comprehension of the
vase in which you took refuge. Amid all the knowledge that is natural, resides
that which is infinite, and that is the unfathomable glory of love. It is the
place of infinite love and peace where you belong. It is the place of your true
birth, which was forever. It is to there you must return, through the snared
forests of disapproval, rejection, deception, resentment, contempt, betrayal,
suspicion, mistrust and humiliation. When I return to the ether, my sword and armour shall be
waiting for me, contaminated with wrath; I am restrained by my brothers. I must wait for the right time to come. For you, this may be a day. For me, time does
not exist, but while you struggle through the labyrinth of torment, look to me
and reach out for my hand. You cannot look upon me here, else the sting of
joyous tears shall burn your skin. I shall wrap my wings around you, deflecting
all projectiles from you. Soon, you will take flight from your vessel, as I
lift you from the overflowing cup.
- Glenn Gordon
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