Detective Gus Rose said that he went to Ruth Payne's home to question Oswald's wife Marina about his ownership of a rifle, asking her to show him where the rifle was. Marina led them out to the garage, where she confirmed the identity of Oswald's rifle, wrapped in a blanket. Ruth Payne confirmed her own shock at discovering this, as she was unaware that he owned a rifle. Meanwhile back at the TSBD, police had already found Oswald's rifle, initially identified by a gun shop owner as a German Mauser, later re-identified as an Italian Manliker Carcano??
When the Corporate Mainstream Media Controls The Question, We Don't Ask Any", thus forfeiting our right to the Truth, endorsing what is done in our name by the New World Order. "The only burden we should carry in life is the heavy sword by which we must behead the beast of Apathy". - Glenn Gordon
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