Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Spaniards Withdraw Money As Recession Deepens - Yahoo! Finance UK

Spaniards Withdraw Money As Recession Deepens - Yahoo! Finance UK

Unfortunately, like Greece, this will not save the Spanish people. Why do you think the news from Greece has been pretty quiet? These poor souls will not be able to spend their hard earned cash if it is not worth anything and not redeemable against anything, since the bankster scum are also now seizing all the worlds Gold, Silver and precious metals and devaluing what remains. This is why we see what is happening in Syria and the previous Oil and Gold rich Arab regions, with the main superpowers jostling and battling for the remnants and resources of each region. So, whenever we hear about our so-called leaders engaging in international meetings, they are NOT discussing how to save their respective economies. They are dividing up the stolen resources to be hidden in the Knights Templar Bank, a.k.a. Switzerland. The likes of Syria are just a table-full of breadcrumbs, with Goldman Sachs presiding over who gets what. Every Government Finance Minister in each country has already jumped ship, with every Government leader grabbing what they can for their friends and families. You DO NOT matter anymore. I cannot stress this enough. The only resource left worth investing in is food, as it is destined to become the currency. After that runs out, all we have left are our very souls, and the bastards want that too. My own wee country has recently just been forced to pay for its own water. When I told people about this back in 1987, I got ribbed over it. They were saying, "C'mon dude. Paying for rain? Are you serious?" Unfortunately, I made it worse for myself and by adding the "air" we breathe to it too, i.e. Carbon Tax....

Monday, 27 August 2012

The Pavlovian Maze


Because we rely so much on mainstream media for receiving the news from around the world, we instinctively see it as real or true. It shapes our view of the world and we rarely challenge it. However, we are satisfied with this, so long as it does not interfere with our comfort zone or our regular TV dinner and daily digest of soap opera. Few of us ever question this pattern and are content in accepting it as a manifestation of our social practice. It has a function, an order to it, not  dissimilar to a written program that we seem completely oblivious to. In just one or two hours each day, we set aside time for this daily human consumption of fuel and information. However, if we refer to it as a routine, then it pacifies its impact. While aware that the food before us provides us with energy, we instinctively bypass this vital necessity as a stimulant as it's more important major function, while neglecting the parallel intake of what our brains consume. At some point we will seek information to excite then subdue the brain, while failing to recognise that it has been subconsciously programmed to demand it and consequentially everything that is downloaded must fall into an identifiable pattern of acceptance, imprisoning us in the Pavlovian Maze. It is akin to going through a day without a watch or access to a clock.  How can the average teenager today even contemplate going through the day without a cell phone? How many of us feel uncomfortable being at home alone, especially when our partner or family members are absent for a particular period of time? How many of us are prepared to step outside this order and observe this primitive ritual? Imagine the loneliness of the soldier who battles these seeds of destruction and cannot announce it for fear of incurring the wrath of and further abandonment of those they love and are desperate to save. In our painful solitude, we can take some small comfort from our teacher who told us, "What Good Is Love If We Love Only Those Who Love Us!" Yet, having to stand by, observing people increasingly becoming detached from their emotions and human compassion is a very lonely position to be in. 

When the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays published his book, "Propaganda" in 1928 he had already inherited his uncle's preoccupation with humanity's collective animal instinct, with perhaps only our sentient ability to distinguish us. This, for Bernays, was the transition from Psychology to Sociology, since one is the study of the individual mind, while the other is a consolidation of the collective social conscience, propagated from Darwinism into an esoteric agenda of  programmed eugenics.

It is therefore a natural reaction to greet any disruption to this program with disdain and hostility, simply because it is indeed a "program". Programs are best controlled under predetermined conditions, so it is not inconceivable but inevitable that someday someone could remove those conditions. Incrementally doing so would subdue us as boiling frogs, while escalating the process would cause mass global panic when all we take for granted in life is suddenly withdrawn. 

Although we know that atrocities are being committed by those whom we are conditioned to believe represent us, we choose not to be informed about it, subconsciously consenting to being protected from knowledge of inhumane practices committed in our name, unaware that any Government's department of defense does not actually refer to any foreign threat. It does not however make us any less responsible. Choosing the option of "What we don't know cannot hurt us" is not humanely acceptable outside the confines of our prisons. It is still recorded, if not in our cranial unit, then in that place where the remnants of our humanity still resides, our very souls, and it will remain there when we expire. At some point we may have to explain what it is doing there and be held accountable for choosing a fallible human hierarchy as our spiritual guides. 

We refuse to believe in `Conspiracy Theories' because doing so justifies our view of the world. Unfortunately, it is indeed a fact of our socially engineered lives that, "Some people just can't handle the truth", but that doesn't make it go away. Sooner or later humanity will have to face up to its responsibilities. When it is right in our faces, it may well be too late, and the frightening truth is that despite it getting increasingly close by each passing day, we still remain blind. The stench of Human carnage cannot easily subside or be washed away.  However, it is not indelible.

We must recognise, retain and embrace our natural incredible gift of selfless "Unfathomable Love and Compassion". We need only step outside of ourselves to behold it, since that is who we truly are and when we return home to that place from where we were born, the pain of guilt will be insurmountable in our natural residence in the presence of the creator of all things seen and unseen, known and unknown, beyond all human contemplation or imagination, The all forgiving, Almighty  Living God.

Copyright © 2012 Glenn Gordon All rights reserved

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Silence Is Consent

Weapons of Mass Distraction/Deception
Weapons of Mass Distraction/Deception

Because we rely so much on mainstream media for receiving the news from around the world, we instinctively see it as real or true. It shapes our view of the world and we rarely question it. However, we are content with this, so long as it does not interfere with our comfort zone or our regular TV dinner and daily digest of soap opera. Few of us question this pattern. It has a function, an order to it that we seem completely oblivious to. In just one or two hours a day, we set aside time for this daily human consumption. While we recognise that the food on the plate provides us with energy or fuel, we bypass this necessity as a stimulant being it's more important major function as a parallel intake to what we view in front of us. At some point we will seek information to stimulate the brain, while failing to recognise that it too has the same desire to be fed. It is akin to going through a day without a watch or access to a clock.  How many of us feel uncomfortable being at home alone, especially when our partner or family members are absent for a particular time? Therefore, it is a natural reaction to greet any disruption to this program with disdain and hostility, simply because it is indeed a "program". Programs are controlled, so although we know that atrocities are being committed by those whom we are conditioned to believe represent us, we choose not to be informed about it. It does NOT make us any less responsible. Choosing the option of "What we don't know cannot hurt us" is NOT acceptable. It is still recorded, if not in our brains, then in our souls and it will remain there when we die and at some point we may have to explain what it is doing there and be held accountable. The stench of Human carnage cannot easily be washed away. Those who dismiss conspiracy theories do so as a natural defence mechanism. To steal a Hollywood quote, "Some people just can't handle the truth", but that doesn't make it go away. Sooner or later humanity will have to face up to its responsibilities. When it is right in our faces, it may well be too late, and the frightening truth is that despite it getting increasingly close by each passing day, we still remain blind.

The stench of Human carnage cannot easily be washed away. We have an incredible gift of unfathomable Love and compassion. Surely, it would indeed be a sin to waste it!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Brandon Raub: A Much Bigger Picture In Social and Global Mind Control

Prison » Supporters Fear Facebook Marine Being ‘Disappeared’

The whole point of the Brandon Raub case is to silence him and set an example as a deterrent to frighten and intimidate us all, just as they did with Private Bradley Manning, just as the UK extradited Asperger Sydrome sufferer Gary McKinnon among others to the US for petty crimes, such as copywriting, labelled as `hacking' charges, just as they are attempting to do to Julian Assange now. 

How many of us today know anything about the condition of Bradley Manning's health? Remember how Obama washed his hands of him when confronted! These NWO scum will either subject Brandon Raub to deteriorating health so that eventually he'll be driven to such despair that he'll take his own life, or they'll release him once they have programmed him to retract his story. The likes of Bradley Manning and Brandon Raub are "experimental guinea pigs for the CIA". They have come a long way since Sirhan Sirhan and Jack Ruby and are conducting such barbaric mind control experiments today in a much larger scale. Look at Greece, for example. How many suicides and how many unreported?? What was it that Obama said about how, "The Government giveth, so the Government can taketh away?" Make the people become so dependent that they take everything in life so much for granted, that these bastards come along and take it away, driving us to such despair that we either lose our minds or commit suicide. In a recent case in the UK, a father took his two children to a quiet, secluded spot and killed them both before taking his own life. The media neglected to report why.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

David Cameron's Sadistic Evil Knows No Boundaries

When Do We Reach A Point When We All Say, "Enough Is Enough?"

Not content with mocking, abusing and attempting to destroy charities through taxes on donation, these evil, sadistic b*****ds now resort to alternative methods to destroy compassion. Cameron and Osborne mocked and ridiculed impassioned pleas for mercy on Cancer sufferers in Parliament. They followed it up by deriding and abusing Cancer Charities. They subject Cancer sufferers to cruel and sadistic tests for work capability. They deliberately deny Cancer sufferers medical treatment. They sack disabled people from their jobs, then follow it up by cruelly mocking and abusing them when The Express newspaper approached Works and Pensions Minister, Iain Duncan Smith. They banned the public from feeding the homeless. Cameron gloats in parliament over his sadistic bill to end the NHS. They openly declare their abhorrence for Human Rights, with an expressed wish to abolish it. They force millions out of their homes in a mass displacement program, last seen in Nazi Germany. Then, they try to steal charitable donations through taxes. Now, keen to express their contempt for charity and compassion, they have set their sights on charitable fundraising and awareness.

WAKE UP. If you do not believe in religion, fair enough. But, what we are clearly witnessing in the UK today is an orchestrated attempt of total destruction of all that is good, presided over by an unmistakable Satanic Government. How much more in our faces does it have to get? Thinking that so long as it does not affect you, isn't going to make it stop. David Cameron has overwhelmingly and overtly demonstrated his sadistic intent, and nobody is immune. While he quietly commits barbaric atrocities in Egypt, Libya and Syria, having learnt the lessons from Blair going into Iraq in 2003, he does such heinous acts in your name, since your silence is consent. If you do believe in God, then surely we will be judged for our apathy and choosing not to want to know the things that are done in our names. Therefore, we can hardly complain when it is brought home to us, and it will. Cameron just has to rationalise and justify it since we did nothing while he inflicted torture on others, far from our shores.

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Sunday, 19 August 2012

The Pussy Riot Gimmick Is Globalists Attempt To Stage "Arab Spring" Style Coup In Russia

Pussy Riot
I just spent a couple of days in Cornwall, away from my computer and the news. However, it was not hard to escape the headlines, especially when you happen to be watching a live band, who's hippy female singer announces that their next song is in support of the Russian Punk band, Pussy Riot, who have just been jailed for two years. The response to the intro was greeted with a supportive cheer from the audience. However, I felt like the odd one out. These poor fools, like everyone else had been duped, again. After their song, the bands lead guitarist made some derogatory remark about Russian President, Vladimir Putin. It was obvious that this guy was Russian himself, or so it seemed, according to his accent. During their break, some of the admiring revelers expressed their sympathy for what his evil leader had done to his fellow artists. This guy was getting a hard-on over this, while the Vodka shots just kept on coming. Eventually, he drifted alongside me at the bar. Their was plenty of elbow room, and while in brief isolation with him, I couldn't resist the temptation to ask, "Why are you letting these people assume you are Russian?" He shrugged his shoulders, and said nothing, implying that perhaps he couldn't understand my Irish accent. I again attempted to provoke a response, since he was ignoring me, and asked, "You're not Russian, are you?" Again, he acknowledged me with a shrug of the shoulders, without saying a word. I persisted, and remarked, "Good gimmick though. I'll give you that. I'd bet that throughout this whole festival, you're running that same routine everywhere. Being Ukrainian, I guess you'd have an axe to grind against Vlad, right?" Now, I could see he was getting vexed, so I decided to pursue it further, "I mean, I can understand the whole artistic solidarity crap. But, these Pussy Riot chicks aren't even a band. It's a shame that Sony didn't bother to tell that to Madonna either, so I wouldn't get too busted up over it if I were you. At least, Sony paid her a fortune to conveniently stage her gig in Moscow at a critical time, just when Russia is a major threat to the Globalist expansion and oppose NATO ground forces in Syria".
Pussy Riot husband
Bad Actor and Fraud, Pyotr Verzilov

I always avoid newspapers and as far as I can recall, have never bought one. However, while relaxing in a coastal hotel, you have to do something while having your breakfast. One headline read, "The only thing that will set my wife free is a revolution". Hmm! How appropriate. This article, of course was referring to Pyotr Verzilov, the alleged husband of one of the Pussy Riot prisoners. I also might add, that this guy has been put forward as a spokesman. Listen to his accent when he next appears on the TV news, which we can expect much more of. But. let us return to that headline again and dwell on it a little longer. Hmm! At this point I'll let logic decide why and where this statement manifested from.

We should also recall how the West had attempted to stage widespread protests in Moscow earlier this year. By now, nobody can fail to recognise a familiar pattern emerging. However, the sad truth is that so many do fall for the same controlled media deception. At the time of the previously attempted Moscow coup d'état, Putin had even warned the west not to try applying the same template to Russia that they had in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and no doubt Yemen, and Iran to follow, the latter being a major strike against Russian interests. However, surely the CIA cannot as easily deploy their Al-Queda asset to Moscow as they do across each of the Oil rich Arab regions. I'm surprised that they haven't thought of reprising unrest in Chechnya or any of the other former Soviet Republics, although Chechnya would be the most likely, since at least Muslim unrest there would be pretty easy to sell and once Syria has been dealt with, their so-called rebel forces can be shipped to the region or other former Soviet areas with Islamic populations.

UK Human Rights
For those who are familiar with my previous articles or website, you'll know something about Economic Hit men and how this pattern has been popular strategy for the CIA since 1951, when former US President, Roosevelt's nephew was sent into Iran to ferment the seeds of revolution, using exactly the same tactics we see prevalent today. Back then, he paid Iranian students to stage protests against their Government, whose crime was to sell BP oil at cut prices to feed the people. It isn't as obvious as that today, and has been slightly modified. The CIA has had plenty of time to fine tune their treasured tactic, since they were so happy with their success in Iran, that they applied the template to regions throughout Latin America, until Castro made a stand on Cuba. You can read more about this in John Perkins fascinating book, "The Confessions of An Economic Hitman", or you can watch the film on my YouTube Channel. It is guaranteed to open your eyes and provide a much better understanding of what is really going on in the world today.
UK donation to Syrian rebels
One final, perhaps irrelevant point. While the western media seem to be more interested in focusing on the obviously fabricated Human Rights issues in Russia and elsewhere in the world, it seems reluctant to focus on much worse Human Rights abuses in the UK, the Human Rights Act of which David Cameron's Government wants to abolish. When Theresa May fabricated a story to justify its abolition, her colleague, Tory veteran, Kenneth Clarke stepped broke rank and ridiculed her story, only to be hauled to one side and rebuked by upstart, Cameron. While the British regime ruthlessly and sadistically attacks the most vulnerable, including the elderly, the sick, disabled and terminally ill, there is not a whimper to be heard from the UK media. Nothing of the anti Government protests in the UK. Nothing of the fact that David Cameron has purchased huge quantities of nerve gas for use on said protestors. Nothing of the fact that David Cameron keeps finding money to hand out to the IMF or to so-called Syrian rebels (aka, Al-Queda) while denying his own people. Instead, we find the UK media outrageously focusing on a bunch of brats being jailed for desecrating a place of religious worship. Either, the media has gone way off on priorities or it has a more sinister reason for focusing on the less trivial, exploiting the traditional rebellion of pop culture, with big names such as the Tavistock Institutes, Paul McCartney jumping on the bandwagon. I will write more on the CIA asset, the Tavistock Institute and their purpose later, as there is there is a lot of ground to cover on them in my 30 years of research, including an insight to the real nature of the relationship between John Lennon and Paul McCartney. However, I have added a clue in one of my films, "...An Epitome of Evil: Ep 2: The Nero Doctrine and The Silent Cull"

Monday, 13 August 2012

UK Sends £5 Million to Listed Terrorists in Syria

Prison » UK Sends £5 Million to Listed Terrorists in Syria

While strict austerity measures are imposed upon UK citizens, David Cameron once again sticks his fingers up at the people, sending money to Al-Queda in Syria. And, George Osborne claims Britain has run out of money.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Prime Minister Put On The Spot By Tearful Cancer Sufferer

How long will this radio presenter hold his job for after this?


  1. He lied. He did cut the NHS budget savagely, with promises to cut further. Is he saying that all those striking doctors and nurses are lying?
  2. When impassioned pleas were made to him for mercy on Cancer sufferers in Parliament, he mocked them and viciously derided McMillan Trust and all Cancer Charities. The fund he's talking about came from charitable donations and he's taking credit for it.
  3. In an act of his renowned vindictive retaliation, he issued tax increases on charitable donations, then due to public pressure did a u-turn.
  4. In an act of appalling heartlessness, he's forcing Cancer sufferers to work.
  5. He's deliberately adding insult to injury to this poor woman Anna by insulting her intelligence. He didn't look into Anna's case and rushed out of the studio afterwards. He has a cruel reputation for making such promises for publicity, then telling his victims to sod off afterwards.
  6. Doing more to help people heat their homes? He axed the Winter Fuel Allowance, specifically targeting the elderly, with more attacks on them still to come. He actively supported hikes in energy prices by awarding the likes of Roger Carr, former chairman of energy terrorists, British Gas, while stopping cheaper energy, such as Solar Spirit from getting off the ground and demanding their workers be sacked specifically at Christmas.
  7. The vaccines Cameron is referring to are to kill children in poor countries to reduce global population as stated in the UN "Agenda 21". Back in 1973 Henry Kissinger, on behalf of David Rockefeller's United Nations, offered financial incentives to third world countries on the condition that they reduced their population. This was in accordance to the previous Iron Mountain Report.
  8. Since when did David Cameron give a damn about the fate of other countries when he spitefully halted charitable aid to Pakistan when 20,0000 were displaced due devastating floods. He turned up in India to blast Pakistan as a terrorist state, while millions were suffering. As a result, aid to Pakistan virtually halted and in the UK there was a media blackout on the suffering.
  9. The wars, he's referring to are financed by him. This is the overseas "aid" he is providing.
You can see more of this in my film:  David Cameron: An Epitome of Evil: Diabolic Iniquity In Your Name

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Britain's devastating Moral and Ethical Decline As Reflected By London Mayor, Boris Johnson

London Mayor, Boris Johnson characterizes Britain in 2012

In the past two years since David Cameron was unelected, the UK has plummeted in Moral and Ethical decline. And, to add insult to injury, we hear its sadistic Prime Minister apply his PR background to exploit his own heartless cruelty by "spinning" the term "Morals" for his own ends. Boris Johnson's heartless remarks typically characterize how low the UK has stooped in a catastrophic decline of compassion. The very thought that David Cameron could not possibly stoop any lower has now been abandoned, as he consistently comes up with new ways of inflicting more pain on the most vulnerable, upon which he has established a record for overtly gloating over. The thought that in just 2 years we had become a society that subjects Cancer suffers to cruel tests for eligibility for support would have caused national outrage not so long ago. Yet, we have a Government that has openly mocked impassioned pleas for mercy on Cancer patients and ruthlessly derided Cancer charities, then tried to impose heavy taxes on all charitable donations that would render charities no longer able to function. It is a Government that deliberately targets the sick and disabled and viciously mocks any plea for clemency and even abuses the disabled, as Department of Works and Pensions Minister, Ian Duncan Smith has done after sacking disabled people from their jobs at Remploy, only to be followed up by inflicting cruel penalties on them for being unemployed.

The media have failed to highlight the staggering record of suicides in Britain since May 2010. Now, many face "mass displacement" from next year, as David Cameron has imposed another sadistic policy to force people out of their homes and into slums and squalor. Mr PR is doing it under the pretense of a "housing crisis". Yet, Britain does not have a Housing crisis, except for those forced onto the streets by Cameron, and it was his Government that introduced a "Ban on feeding the homeless" in Westminster.

He is now fixing his sights on the elderly, threatening to abolish free medical treatment and forcing them to sell their homes if they want healthcare support. He has already abolished free school meals for children of impoverished single parents.

Does any of this sound familiar? It ought to. There seems to be a distinct pattern forming here that has been recorded in history before. Berlin 1932 - 1945, as mass displacement forced Jews and the weak and vulnerable into corals, where they could be gathered as easy targets for a mass eugenics program of genocide, later known as the holocaust. And, let us not forget David Cameron's friends and colleagues being exposed at Nazi parties and shindigs. Let us not forget his Home Secretary, Theresa May calling for "Human Rights to be abolished."  Her own party colleague, Tory Veteran, Kenneth Clarke even challenged her fabricated story to justify the move as preposterous.


How much further are we prepared to let this go on? Every single UK citizen seems absolutely oblivious to the critical condition that they have become infected with, "Apathy". Our silence is consent.

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