Thursday, 29 October 2015

NWO Ambassador, Bono again Exploits Human Misery for a Hidden Agenda

Bono praises British generosity in the 'fight against extreme poverty'
Here we go again with another sanctimonious message from the worlds #1 shill and `New World Order' mouth piece. When I first read the latest gobbing off from the self-righteous Bono using the latest U2 concert to elevate his ego by praising the UK for taking the lead over the migrant crisis, I almost choked on my coffee. #1. Jeremy Corbyn, myself and many other campaigners have been desperately trying to force a cruel and sadistic Government into compassion and raise awareness on the plight of Migrants, and this guy comes out with this. #2. This so-called Irishman praises Britain, justifying the phrase, `Great' Britain. A `Great Britain' that adopted its title by building an empire through plundering every defenseless, impoverished country throughout the globe, including today, which is the very cause of the current migrant crisis. The so-called `Arab Spring' began immediately after David Cameron was placed in power in 2010 by the arms industry (not withstanding that Cameron himself is a former arms dealer). The region, which includes Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria are not only oil rich, but also rich in natural resources and were destabilized so that Cameron could plunder their wealth and sell it off to private investors. Libya also provided a vital oil pipe line throughout African countries at low prices, since in Islamic law, `Usury' (aka profit through interest) is considered the greatest sin against God (hence Christ's anger against the money changers in the temple). The destruction of Libya sent much of Africa into turmoil as a result, i.e. Somalia, Sudan etc. The destabilization of the middle east also provided a lucrative arms trade for the UK, which we witnessed Cameron making no attempt to hide his arms sales tours of the region during it's turmoil. #3. Ireland was one of the victims of the cruel Great British Empire. Yet, here we have Bono betraying his own country on two fronts, the first being his neglect of how his own country suffered to put the `Great' into Britain, the second being that he made no such well publicized praise of his own country's contribution to aid the suffering despite its proportion in terms of wealth and population.


 It is clear that this parasite has another agenda and is whoring on behalf of Monsanto, Big Pharma and the greedy Corporations who want to establish themselves in conquered regions, either by austerity or instability. Bono, alongside the likes of Angelina Jolie are nothing more than NWO whores and their activities has the distinctive stench of the Rockefellers. 

Friday, 23 October 2015

Apathy Kills Film - 11 May 2010: The assault on our very souls begins, our ability for compassion gradually eroded through an epitome of malevolence

In the UK on 11 May 2010, a diabolic precedent was set in motion, oblivious to the masses who were to become so incrementally docile and critically infected by a most malleable, malevolent and esoteric virus, "Apathy". It was delivered from a manifesto and agenda of absolute compassion fatigue, upon which a rationale and justification of mass extermination could be reached. And yet still, many remain unconvinced or are in systemic denial, while their measure of pain is negotiated within the covens of global cabals, as these sociopaths distribute and devour every earthly resource at the UN dining table. Only our recognition and recall of our natural capacity for overwhelming selfless love and compassion can save us, since this was our natural state from where we came. Such unfathomable love cannot be contemplated in a corrupted state. - Glenn Gordon

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"APATHY KILLS" FILM: Newest version 2nd edition

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"Silence Is Consent!"

"How many more atrocities are you prepared to permit in your name? The more you allow by saying nothing, the closer to home they will come to you. By then you will have already sacrificed your right to protest. By then, your human rights have incrementally become a privilege granted by Government, self ordained as God. Now, take a good look around you in 2013. Reminiscence and reflection of yesterday may be a luxury today. Reflect on that thought in 30 years. Damning and Throwing stones at the Truth today only bruises it. It does not make it go away. Denial is the first stage of submission, written on the slow motion epitaph of human carnage". - G. Gordon

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