Sunday, 7 June 2015

A Rigged UK 2015 Election was Predicted Five Years Ago. A Demand MUST be made for another vote

The Dark Agenda of David Cameron: If the last five years is to teach us anything, it is that in David Cameron's career, nothing is a coincidence.


Nobody can deny that the result of the 2015 UK general election in early May took most people by surprise. To many, it was beyond belief. Even traditional Conservative voters were shocked by the outcome and in the run up to the poll, bookmakers had Ed Miliband as favourite for being the next Prime Minister, albeit with a very small majority. Since then, the suggestion that the vote was "rigged" has rarely been discussed, and worryingly treated with apathy, as the mainstream media is prevented from publicizing such a widely held suspicion. It is simply due to the media and opposition party's not talking about a rigged vote that people accept the outcome and treat it with such critically dangerous indifference. The scale of dependence on the mainstream media is in itself very worrying, as it reveals the frightening level of mass mind control of the British public. This was the intention of the Banking elite when they seized control the media in 1917 through the ultra clandestine Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which Rupert Murdoch is a member of today. To further this purpose, they also utilized the work of Dr Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays in 1928 when he published his book, Propaganda. Bernays went on to play a pivotal role in the formation of the CIA. However, I digress. This is despite the fact that David Cameron's thugs have outrageously threatened the BBC and other media sources of consequences should they not be favourable toward them, particularly during the election campaign. This is also despite the overwhelming record the Tory party has established for corruption and cover-ups over the past five years and the overtly glaring disdain that they have for Human Rights and their determination to abolish the Human Rights Act. However, if David Cameron is to be credited or respected for anything, it is his mastery for the art of deception and exploitation. His CV would undoubtedly include high praise indeed from his peer reviews for his career as a successful Spin Doctor and Fixer, as anyone who has examined Mr Cameron's background will already know. In the face of such masterful choreography of deceit, it is up to the people to regain their will and detach themselves from any mainstream media influence. It is up to the people to be the media. However, time may be running out for you to speak out while you still have any remnants of human rights remaining. The skilful exploiter has already laid out the excuses to rationalize the abolition of the Human Rights Act to a malleable public who are unfamiliar with the Hegelian Dialectic or as I refer to it, `The Nero Doctrine' (and The Silent Cull). Each of us spend our lives searching for fulfillment in life, yet, it is much closer than most of us realise. It is `Truth', and there is a reason why we are conditioned to fear it. If you want to know the Truth, all you have to do is turn off the TV.

 "I know that in Downing Street they are always wondering whether people have sufficient "guile" to be brought into a coalition the government is building".

    - Julia Middleton 2007, Common Purpose

Five years ago the Apathy Kills blog deviated from its usual genre to warn that a very dangerous and evil precedent was about to be unleashed upon a subdued and docile British public which would signal the death of compassion and a radical moral decline into the diabolical. The blog challenged the depths of depravity of a man who could exploit the terminal illness and subsequent death of his own child in order to gain power. The warnings were expressed through presenting one shocking revelation after another as evidence. Two films were made, which included a taste of what was to come shortly after the 2010 UK May elections, when David Cameron sadistically vilified 20,0000 victims of the devastating floods in Pakistan as well as the equally timely onset of the instability in the oil rich Arab regions which became known as the "Arab Spring". The latter event followed news reports of British intelligence services being caught engaging in covert operation in the region. Since David Cameron's Arab Spring, untold millions of lives have been lost and devastated, including the current humanitarian crisis from despairing refugees and migrants fleeing Cameron's plundering of their natural resources, which may inevitably result in a socially engineered acceptance of mass genocide and eventual justification for incremental ethnic cleansing back home in the UK. The blog has published 122 articles under the title, "David Cameron". There are 58 under the title, "A Sadistic Embodiment Of Evil" and others under titles such as the "Liam Fox scandal", the "NHS" and others directly related to David Cameron and his depraved and infernal agenda.  As well as films and articles, numerous campaigns were launched in a desperate effort to set off alarm bells and raise public awareness. In addition, we need only examine the list of protected conflicts of interest now secured through David Cameron's imposition to power by his criminal and corrupt greedy friends. However, before reading further, I present a revealing irony of déjà vu. Five years ago a middle class friend said something to me that has just been repeated again recently by someone else. Neither of these acquaintances are related in any way and have never met. On each separate occasion both expressed the now common view that among their friends, family, college/university or work colleagues, they knew of nobody who had actually voted Conservative.

Media Bias

Five years have been devoted to alerting the UK public of a mass deception and the consequences if we treat such a eugenicist agenda with apathy, ignorance and denial. The blog has made a desperate attempt to enlighten an increasingly malleable and zombified population and warn of the price we may all pay for our complicity through silence. However, sadly even the title and description of the blog failed to ignite any awareness:
Apathy Kills! Divide and Conquer Prevents Revolution...."When the Corporate Mainstream Media Controls The Question, We Don't Ask Any, thus forfeiting our right to the Truth, endorsing what is done in our name".  - Glenn Gordon
People are failing to ask themselves the most fundamental yet basic of questions, such as, "Why didn't David Cameron call an earlier election?" It was entirely due to an incremental test of time by the former PR man to gauge what level an increasingly anesthetized general public could be desensitized to. The Apathy Kills blog set out the `benchmarks' of David Cameron's diabolic agenda. One of the first on the timetable of depravity in 2010 was what was dubbed the Happiness Survey, when Cameron commissioned a £2,0000pa survey to monitor the national happiness levels. It was his long-stated ambition to measure our general health and well-being to `steer government policy'. Now, he is privately mocking the naivety of the people. Ask yourself this very important question, "If a mass genocide were to occur in the UK tomorrow, would the public know about it?" More disturbingly, would they care? The answer is more frightening than most of us are `prepared to admit to' and is likely to be, "Only if the mainstream media inform us".  If such questions were proposed fives years ago, the answers might be very different. Not so long ago, the very mention of anyone ruthlessly and savagely attacking the weak and vulnerable, such as the sick, disabled, elderly and terminally ill, would have resulted in national outrage and revulsion, perhaps leading to widespread protests throughout the country. Not so long ago, the very suggestion of sexually abusing children would have been greeted with profound nauseous disgust. Yet, today such moral depravity is treated as an unfortunate yet entirely acceptable symptom of modern society that somebody somewhere was anticipating we would eventually become accustomed to. When confronted with such a moral crisis in the human assembly line, perhaps the truth is so frightening that few are prepared to ask, "How did we get to this?"  If we continue in our failure to address it today, history will ask us how we neglected such human carnage. Instead, we avoid such questions since they imply our own complicity through silence and as a result of fearing the truth, defensive denial is the better option, especially when it is aided by a subservient media whom we rely upon to protect us from the truth. Fear is a very powerful weapon and if you want to subject the people to mass mind control, there is no better way to do it than fear, provided an alternative option is put in place to relay those fears, such as the media. By definition, this suggests order and if we are to prevent mass panic and revolution, there must be a mechanism to `control' the people. If the people knew the `truth', then imagine the mayhem. Ask any TV news reader or journalist about the news stories they convey to us. They will almost certainly tell you that they only read the `edited' script given to them. The aforementioned films included in this blog address this situation.

While frustratingly contemplating the Apathy Kills blog in 1998, it was due to a recognition of patterns in history that helped in forecasting the future. Possessing such an ability was not due to some mystical power. It was due to a natural instinctive determination to be an individual and an early recognition that there was something not right with the world I was born into. This forced a natural inclination to explore and observe closely from afar without contamination. The human assembly line was abandoned at birth and growing up, it was a traumatic experience for a child to endure. It was also a very lonely experience. In 1998, the prospect of writing anything was set aside because of personal insecurities, despite always being outspoken. There were recollections of the emotional bullying while growing up and the risk of provoking humiliation at college in 1986 during a Government & Politics class. During a class debate a rebellious youth made the claim that in the future, a levy would be placed on the water we drink and that one day we would be purchasing it from retail stores and even whenever we flushed the toilet. The risk of alienation was further invited after suggesting that if we allowed this to happen, it would only take a small step before a levy would be placed on the very air we breathe. Over the years since that time, there was the occasional message from some of those who remembered the outspoken young man at college while the older generation often referred to him as an `angry young man'. Then, 9/11 happened. However, it was due to Tony Blair's subsequent illegal war in Iraq in 2003 and the prospect of  human suffering due to depleted uranium that this blog began. There were invitations to join and speak at demonstrations. Even then it was difficult to explain to people that this was only the beginning, and that the groundwork was being laid for the emergence a much more dangerous and malevolent figure with what could only be described as having sociopathic tendencies and who could not be burdened with human morals or ethics. Even when such obstacles arose, he could skillfully redefine their meaning to an incrementally entranced population. David Cameron had learned an awful lot from his bench warmer, Tony Blair and that as a result, the scale of Cameron's much greater atrocities could be kept from the public, only for them to be discovered when the history books reveal them later, by which time, we may reap what we sew due to ignorance. It was no coincidence that after he resigned as Prime Minister, Blair was appointed the official Envoy of the Quartet on the Middle East. In May 2008, he launched his Faith Foundation. This was followed in July 2009 by the launching of the Faith and Globalisation Initiative with Yale University in the US, home of Skull & Bones. He was appointed on the recommendation of David Cameron's close family friend, Gearge Bush, who was a member of Skull & Bones, (aka, the Order of Death).

Years from now, as the scale of David Cameron's human carnage begins to unfold, most of the current generation will turn away their heads in denial rather than in shame. The only reason why the world knew nothing of the scale of the atrocities of Hitler and Stalin until much later was because the media hadn't informed them, despite the word of eye witnesses returning home from war and the occasional media leak. By that stage, we could exonerate ourselves of any complicity by simply claiming that we didn't know. We had elected a media to protect all that we take for granted by nullifying our ability for compassion. We choose not to be informed about the despair and suffering of others. We bypass the homeless street beggar, not because we have no change or time to spare, but because they are reminding us of our humanity. In the years ahead from now, history will record the horrifying scale of the millions who will have perished since the 2010 Tory holocaust as outlined throughout this site. Even now, the liberal and the most devoted left wing voter is in denial of any suggestion of a rigged UK vote in 2015, despite a five year legacy of outrageous and increasingly overt corruption from a gloating David Cameron, now more confident than ever that the human conscience has been conquered and that the carcass of compassion has been laid before a sacrificial alter. Even when challenged to examine this site for the evidence revealed since 2010, those in denial attack and criticise it without even bothering to look at the information provided that warns them of the price for their apathy, ignorance and denial.

In the run up to the 7 May 2015 UK general election, it was difficult to restrain frustrated disillusionment when hearing usually fair minded and intelligent people saying things like, "Oh dear, I don't know who to vote for" or "They are all the same, no matter who you choose". The suggestion that Cameron had rigged the election was greeted with passive agreement by many and quickly discarded. A well known celebrity summed up such despair saying, "I've lost faith in humanity". 

"It is is only due to the mainstream media that the cries cannot be heard for a full independent  `non establishment' investigation into the rigging of the 2010 and 2015 UK general elections. This is especially crucial when it is known that David Cameron has harassed, bullied and threatened the media and introduced draconian laws to silence dissent and spy on opponents through the hated "Gagging Law", "Censorship" and the "Snoopers Charter". With such an abundance of evidence of ruthless corruption, does it really need to be spelled out to people when they should be on the streets? If they were, those other favourite victims of the Tory Party, the police may well sympathize and side with the mass public, whom they are sworn to protect".

Aangirfan has also postulated on the possibility of a rigged vote. However, Aangirfan is just one source that has managed to avoid Cameron's thugs.

Just as David Cameron rigged the 2010 election, which was also exposed through the Liam Fox scandal, he rigged the 2015 election. He will also rig the EU referendum to keep the UK within the EU, and he will undoubtedly rig any proposed Human Rights referendum. Anyone who thinks otherwise, has had their eyes and ears closed this past five years. Another of those most fundamental yet basic of questions is, "Why would the majority of the population surrender their God given Human Rights, which David Cameron is to abolish?", especially given the mass human suffering due to heartless cruelty demonstrated since 2010?" If we are to believe that the people would willingly sacrifice themselves to such enslavement, then it is a morally damning indictment of the English electorate. The abolition of the Human Rights Act was the very first item on Cameron's agenda upon forming his new cabinet after the May 2015 vote. There is an abundance of elusive facts to an oblivious British public, such as questions arising from the UK's apparent motivation for leaving the EU being due to the threat to its national sovereignty from the European Central Bank. The European Central Bank is nothing more than a huge kitty into which we have all been duped to throw our assets into under the pretense of an equal distribution of wealth in return. (see link below) When those assets cannot be sold on the stock market, they become devalued, thus we are told to contribute more. The EU has been empowered to enforce laws through its demand for debt repayments, otherwise it raises interest rates on those repayments. David Cameron has already willingly sold off almost every UK national asset and natural resource, including fracking rights and human resources, (eg. low wages, zero hours contracts etc.) to his greedy banking friends who form The World Bank and The International Monetary Fund (IMF). David Cameron and George Osborne gain a share of that wealth.

For the past five years the UK has had the most corrupt Government ever. It has established a record for fabricating, exploiting and manipulating false statistics, figures and polls. David Cameron has been exposed as a protector of paedophiles, an arms dealer and a child killer. The list is endless and the evidence is staggering, despite those who refuse to examine it, even when it is right in front of their faces. They still live in the fantasy, "that such highly respected figures of the elite class could never commit a criminal act" or "if it was true, it would be on the TV news". If this is the kind of social mindset that we place our collective destiny in, then to put it bluntly, we are all screwed. On your next Friday or Saturday night out, observe all around you and just for a moment, dwell on that thought..

The public have very little understanding of political or global economics
. There is a reason why it has never been taught in our schools. We are more than willing to debate the morals of providing sex education to pre-adolescent children in schools, yet it is only because the media has not raised the subject of economics being taught that nobody has even thought about the morals of teaching it. What does that tell us about our society and social priorities?

 "If Lucifer himself were to sit upon the throne of earth today, it would be because the people put him there". - Glenn Gordon

The only thing that prevents you from thinking logically is a corrupt society aided by a subservient media. Once we allow our humanity to be defined by politics we sacrifice our very souls. It has often been said that people fear the truth. Their coping mechanism is denial. As an independent investigative researcher, I anticipate abusive comments from those incapable of `reason', independent thought or objectivity. Usually they apply programmed derogatory terms related to `conspiracy theories' and attempt to sound clever by quoting familiar terms made available to them, such as, `Tin Foil Hat', only because they have heard it somewhere else. For them, it provides nurture for their ego. Yet, such comments are from people who have not even looked at any of the information provided to them. Despite links to information being posted, they ask for evidence and are subsequently directed to it, yet refuse to even acknowledge it, never mind look at it. At this point, all hope must be abandoned, since we simply cannot preach to the dead as they are just obstacles who are devoid of all reason. I have spent almost my entire life in investigative research to waste it on fools. There will come a time when Cameron's Cull reaches those complicit in human suffering due to abstinence, indifference, ignorance and denial. When it claims them, who will listen to their screams or cries for mercy?

Today, exhaustion has taken its toll. Yet, it is a natural instinct that motivates a determined will to objectively search for the truth and to tell it to others and at least allow them to draw their own conclusions. Many will misinterpret and reinvent such truth to adapt to their own corrupted view of the world. However, it is the initial recognition that our view of the world is corrupted that sets us on the path to finding who we are as individuals. History has warned us. Messengers have been sent to warn us. Great figures, legends, idols, icons and prophets have warned us, and in some small way, I hope I have contributed through listening to their message to humanity.

To those who would condemn this article, please read it first and engage the context in which it is written. I welcome all criticism, so long as it is objective and constructive. To do otherwise would be contradictory to my quest. We cannot hope to learn if we are not prepared to learn from ourselves and be self critical. I have often been described as being insightful and able to stand outside the world and observe what others cannot see. However, the price for this is not being able to achieve this on a personal level, which is perhaps why the best support you can get from someone who truly loves you is when they can point out how big an asshole you've been. As a one time artist, I would be pleased with my work and contently set it aside for a well earned break. While admiring observers praised it, I would return to it afterwards only to find it's imperfections through fresh eyes and all self satisfaction would be abandoned.

“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.” - Benjamin Franklin

If we are to bring down government, we MUST be prepared to do what the mainstream media refuses to do and expose government corruption. We MUST be prepared to take on the roll of informing the public and `invalidate' a subservient media.



(NB. If the demand for such an inquiry into establishment child sex abuse has taught us anything, it is that the Government has strenuously tried to prevent such inquiries.)





  1. It has bothered me for a long time that whenever I walk into town I see the vast majority of people engaging with there mobile phone, totally oblivious to what's going on around them. They can be informed about Politicians, Bankers etc with sex and corruption dealings with full blown evidence and you get an indifferent reaction but inform them that "Kate" wore shoes that didn't compliment her dress and the world stops. Your article reinforces this observation with your reference of Apathy of the British public. Thank you so much for this article.
    Kind regards
    Steve Oshea

    1. Thank you Steve. There is nothing more frightening than the bystander.

  2. I have to admit to have been one for many years,
    but no more. I would like to know how I can help to create an awareness for people without sounding like some crazed conspiracy nut.

    1. Thanks again Steve. You could re-post my articles. Just go through the labels on the right, mostly those relating to David Cameron, the Media and 1917 etc, then re-post and retweet them.


All comments and feedback are welcome, so please feel free to leave some. Thank you.